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A small Europeian house made of wood, the roof layered with black tiles with a hole placed in various spots, whch rain some times burst through. The house barely has any windows at all, the only light that shines inside here comes from the roof itself.
There are only 2 floors in total.
2 bedrooms, the kitchen and living room both joined together, bathroom + toilet, and a study room with a wall in the middle splitting it into two spaces.The study room has some singed and wet books so its hard to read some of the of the stories.
In the house a tall boy at the age of 18 stands beside the kitchen sink washing the dishes of what seemed to be last nights dinner. On the wall beside the hallway is a small whiteboard, beside the name Melody says "I'm out traveling around everywhere, I'll come back in 2 weeks and bring you back something Nii-san" as the boy finishes his chore he siliently whispers to himself "come back safely....".