*How To Battle and Rp with a Partner in a Co-Op Mode, Yes Co-Op mode....No more Solo 1-1 battles there's finally a new system to make this possible.
For Teams - Only at the start only one out of the 1-3 for genin 1-4 (the Jonin counts as fourth) Platoons are used in wide areas to track down someone. Example a large forest divided into 3 parts.
* Starting the match
The first person chosen out of the number brought along, will go into combat first...only Jonin may battle the Jonin until the other Jonin is weakened then its ok for the Genin to swap the Jonin out and battle the enemy Jonin and Genin vice versa.
*Medical Ninja, These are probably the most significant useful thing although seemingly useless members of the group as most are prone to healing more than just fighting. They can heal when given the chance in a fight, but on the sidelines where the teammates are they can choose to heal themselves or a teammate one at a time per post, they cannot heal the one fighting at the present time.
*Trap Users - They must set up a trap before anyone enters the area, and activate or reveal the hidden trap when its need to be used before or during combat.
*Organizing The Platoons
A platoon is like a 5-6 man squad basically two teams combined into one usually used to cover a large terrain. Its not a 6 jumping one person thing. Its used to search for something or transporting or retrieving some kind of object or person to and from their designation. A Wide Terrain is like a 3-part area like for example a Forest, Lake, and Jungle. All three of these could be in the same region. So when traveling you'll need to split up like 2 x 3 is equivalent to a total of 6 members. Two can stay behind and carefully search one part of the 3 part area as two proceed forward and remain stationed in the second area as the last team makes sure the last area is cleared so that all members can proceed forward to the next area and make it to their designated area.
*Any suggestions post them below here