The 6th Gate: Sulfuric Geysers, Acidic Raining Showers. You'll come across dry cracked land with several craters. It feels as if you've walked across the Moon's surface. The craters begin to leak the most foulest stench known to you so far. Its non-toxic, so you can inhale it freely. They erupt everytime a team is done posting in order. This releases alot of hot showers of dangerous scalding water. It burns to the bare skin, and eats through fabric. Across from this long path of geysers is prarie yellow grass. This grass is filled with some of the fastest animals cheetahs, lion cubs, and monkeys. Its terribly hot in this area, and their is only a few tree's and the only water would be, take your geuss. The shelter around here will have to be made by your team, however there is a lion's den with a giant lion made up of lightning. Do you really think you can handle his domain? Or will he show you whose King of the Jungle, ahem hot desert like area.