Unapproved: shodow dragon Rank:C -The user slashes his sword threw the air and a medium sized shadow dragon appears and it blends in with the shadows the user controls the dragon with his sword shadow dragon fuses with with the sword giving it extra strength and power ( Its not in proper order, it needs a set range, a valid description, type, and element you can reasonably use.) The Description is the element of shadows, more of a Nara thing for starting Genin. The attack requires a sword to be thrown, (throw) into the air. Its also a supplementary bc the med. sized dragon appears from a slashed possibly broken weapon. Then its 'shadow' is manipulated. You can't really have shadow manipulation at this rank unless you are Nara. Mitoru LVL.1 Rank:D-shadow hands comes from your shadow holding u down so u can't move giving me time to do a jutsu/or to attack doing direct damage. That's also Nara Shadow Poession jutsu. ( post again)